Ako to funguje?
Denne stratíš až tri litre vody, v náročných situáciách ešte viac. S vodou strácaš aj elektrolyty, kľúčové pre správnu hydratáciu a fungovanie tvojho tela. Ich nedostatok ovplyvňuje tvoj výkon, vytrvalosť i náladu.
Zisti ako to fungujeV každej situácii
Optimálne zloženie
Väčšina hydratačných drinkov bez cukru je neefektívna. My však počúvame vedu. Na základe štúdií sme vytvorili nápoj s ideálnym pomerom elektrolytov, obohatený o našu unikátnu hydratačnú technológiu ACTC™.
Pozrieť zloženieWe spent thousands of hours formulating and testing LIVA to be your ideal hydration companion. The result is a truly impactful blend of electrolytes in a science-backed ratio, with everything you need and nothing you don't.
Loved by everyone
Janka, Fitness coach
I drink lots of water, from training to parenting. Yet, I often faced fatigue and a foggy mind. After I tried Liva, I realised it was dehydration and a lack of electrolytes. It was a game-changer.
Lubos, Entrepreneur
Liva sits on my desk 24/7. I feel more alert and have much better mental clarity. I also have a few Liva emergency sachets in my car! Favourite flavour? Lemon!
Veronika, Production manager
Thanks to Liva, I understood the importance of electrolytes and hydration. I drink Liva first thing in the morning before my kids wake up. I feel a huge positive impact on my stamina.
Martin, Consultant
I spend a lot of time working and cycling. Liva keeps my hydration in check, and I feel better doing more. There is a big difference in my days with and without it. I highly recommend it!