
Vyvážený pomer elektrolytov, nízka osmolarita a ACTC™.

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Pre optimálnu hydratáciu potrebuje tvoje telo elektrolyty nielen prijať, ale najmä vstrebať. Preto tradičné hydratačné nápoje obsahujú glukózu, ktorá urýchľuje ich presun do tvojich buniek. Väčšina nápojov bez cukru však tento problém ignoruje. Telo potom elektrolyty z nich nedokáže využiť dostatočne rýchlo.

Klinické štúdie ale ukazujú, že telu prirodzené aminokyseliny dokážu v nápojoch s elektrolytmi nielen nahradiť glukózu, ale fungujú ešte lepšie. A naopak, nápoje bez cukru alebo aminokyselín majú výrazne nižšiu efektivitu a vstrebateľnosť.⁽¹𝄒²𝄒³⁾

Podľa štúdií sme vyvinuli zmes aminokyselín Amino Cellular Transport Complex (ACTC™), ktorej úlohou je vstrebanie elektrolytov do tela. Navyše, premyslený pomer zložiek robí Livu hypotonickou (osmolarita 200 mOsm/l) a teda ideálnou na rýchlu rehydratáciu.

Aktívne zložky


ACTC™ is our blend of amino acids (L-Threonine, L-Glycine, L-Valine, L-Aspartic Acid, L-Tyrosine) responsible for nutrient transport, making Liva sugar-free and superior to other hydration drinks.


Sodium is a key electrolyte for your fluid balance. It helps regulate hydration and pH levels in the body, movement of nutrients across cells and supports nerve and muscle function.


Essential mineral needed for proper cell function and hydration. Potassium works in pair with sodium, helping control your fluid balance, nerve signals, muscle movements, and heart function.


Magnesium is crucial for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including proper hydration. It is vital for proper energy production, brain function, and maintaining muscle and nerve health.

1) Peden DL, Funnell MP, Reynolds KM, Kenefick RW, Cheuvront SN, Mears SA and James LJ (2023) Post-exercise rehydration: Comparing the efficacy of three commercial oral rehydration solutionsFront. Sports Act. Living 5:1158167. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1158167
2) Cheuvront SN, Kenefick RW, Charkoudian N, Mitchell KM, Luippold AJ, Bradbury KE, Vidyasagar S (2018) Efficacy of Glucose or Amino Acid-Based Commercial Beverages in Meeting Oral Rehydration Therapy Goals After Acute Hypertonic and Isotonic Dehydration. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2018 Sep;42(7):1185-1193. doi: 10.1002/jpen.1142. Epub 2018 Jan 28.
3) Clarke MM, Stanhewicz AE, Wolf ST, Cheuvront SN, Kenefick RW, Kenney WL (2019) A randomized trial to assess beverage hydration index in healthy older adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 Jun 1;109(6):1640-1647. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz009.